An Easy Relief from Computer Eye Strain
As our world has immersed itself into the ever-expanding sea of technology, we continually delve into our digital devices out of habit and/or occupational necessity. Consequently, some of its side effects have finally caught up with us. A particular side effect includes discomfort of our eyes from prolonged use of computers and other electronics, or Computer Eye Strain.
Common symptoms of Computer Eye Strain are eye soreness, fatigue, burning, or blurred vision usually towards the end of the day. A quick and easy way to relieve these symptoms is to practice a simple rule known as the “20-20-20 Rule”.
20-20-20 rule:
Every 20 minutes
Look 20 feet away (far away)
for 20 seconds
The 20-20-20 Rule allows us to take periodic breaks from our visually demanding days and alleviates our eyes from the constant, non-stop focusing at an up-close object - the screen.
The 20-20-20 Rule is fast, effortless, and only costs 20 seconds of our time at a time. Now, let’s set our phone alarms on the :20-minute timer until we can make this rule into a good habit.
If symptoms persist after a few of weeks of applying the
20-20-20 Rule to your day, be sure to consult your Optometrist to check for other potential causes for your eye discomfort. These causes can include a change in your prescription, a need for a different prescription for the computer distance, or a muscular issue where the eyes may not be working together properly.