What is Dry Eye?

Dry Eye Disease is a chronic condition that happens when our tears are unable to provide our eyes adequate moisture. Millions of people worldwide suffer from Dry Eye, enduring symptoms of burning, irritation, a sandy gritty sensation, or fluctuating vision. These symptoms can be so bothersome that they can certainly affect our ability to perform the simplest of tasks.

There are various causes of Dry Eye Disease including not blinking enough with extended computer use, environmental factors, hormonal changes, and side effects of medications. A factor that can play a major part in our Dry Eye condition is the structural health and function of our Meibomian glands.

Meibomian glands are oil glands that reside along the margin of our upper and lower eyelids. They are responsible for supplying oil - Meibum - to the outer layer of our eyes’ tear film, which is a layer in front of our cornea that prevents moisture from evaporating too quickly. When these glands are not working properly - either by not producing high-quality oil or not enough quantity of oil - it is known as a condition called Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), which sends us in a downward spiral of Dry Eye Disease, eyelid inflammation, styes and risk of infections. Literature suggests that up to 86% of Dry Eye patients present with some level of MGD that either causes or exacerbates their condition.

How Do We Treat MGD?
We Have Options

When our Meibomian Glands are not working well, it requires continuous heat to be applied in order to unclog the glands and reset proper function. Your eye doctor may recommend applying a hot compress a series of times a day at first, but the compress either doesn’t get hot enough to sufficiently warm the glands or it doesn’t stay hot for long enough.

Medical technology has advanced in creating treatment options that can effectively target MGD. The Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) device uses light to generate continuous heat, working to melt clogged oils and revive the deteriorating Meibomian Glands on a cellular level. The Intense-Pulse Light (IPL) Therapy uses light pulses on the skin to break down hardened oils obstructing the Meibomian Glands and inhibit the growth of inflammatory blood vessels. When used together, these state-of-the-art tools target the root cause of Dry Eye Disease by restoring proper function to our Meibomian Glands. This process re-enables their ability to lubricate our eyes with quality oil and retain moisture once again.

Learn More About Each Device

Schedule Your Consultation

Finding the right solution for your Dry Eyes can make a tremendous impact on your quality of life. During your visit at SK Eyecare, our team will assess your Dry Eye condition to better assist us in creating a customized treatment plan catered to your needs!