Lid Massager

The Lid Massager is an effective in-office microblepharoexfoliation used for eyelid hygiene.

The device works by gently massaging the eyelids along the eyelash line like an oscillating toothbrush. Its rotational motions stimulate the eyelids, breaking up any blockage within the oil glands, clearing out debris along the eyelashes and eyelid margins, as well as promoting natural tear production and a healthy tear film.

This technique is a powerful workhorse against even the most stubborn obstructions, while also smooth enough for patients to find relaxation in its soothing strokes.


This quick exfoliating tool treats several eyelid and eyelash conditions:

  • New & old hardened styes

  • Meibomian gland dysfuction (MGD) causing dry eyes

  • Blepharitis

  • Eye allergies

  • Ocular rosacea

  • Demodex (mites)


Crusty dandruff-like flakes on lashes, eyelids sticky from blockage & thickened, indicating Blepharitis


Lashes resolved from flakes & crusting, sticky biofilm drained & eyelids returned to normal thickness