Did You Know?
The muscles that control our eyes are the fastest and most active out of all the muscles in our body.
The average blink lasts ~1/10th of a second.
About half of our brain is involved with our eyes and vision.
Blue and green eyes are
recessive traits.
Some people are born with 2 different colored eyes, known as Iris Heterochromia.
Our eyes recover quickly.
It takes~48 hrs for the cornea to heal from an abrasion with proper care.
Our pupils can expand as much as 45% when looking at someone we are attracted to.
Everyone has a ‘dominant eye’. One eye is slightly stronger than the other.
While our fingerprints have ~40 unique characteristics, our irises have >256; hence, modern security measures have implemented iris scans in place of fingerprint readers.
We actually see with our brain, not our eyes. The eyes are like a camera - They capture light and transfer the image to the brain.
Our eyes see upside down. Our brain then converts the image right-side up.
We have 2 eyes to perceive depth and determine how far objects are from one another.
The human eye only sees 3 colors- Red, Green and Blue.
All other colors are a combination of this trio.
The human eye can see 500 shades of grey.
Color blindness is more common in males.
Babies are born color blind until ~5 months.
80% of our memories are determined by what we see.
Dogs can be nearsighted, farsighted, and have astigmatism.
The giant squid has the largest eyes in the world ~10.6” !
Bees have 5 eyes. So do Starfish. Spiders have 8-12.
Camels have 3 eyelids to seal their eyes from sand.
Cats, snakes, and alligators have Vertically elongated pupils to enhance depth perception for hunting.
Deer and goats have Horizontally elongated pupils for a wide range of view to seek out predators.
Shark corneas resemble humans to the extent that they have been used for corneal transplants.
Bats are not blind.
They hunt at night by way of hearing called echolocation (sonar).
Some bats hunt during the day. These bats have optimal vision, yet poor echolocation.
Our eyes are irreplaceable. Science still has not found a way to transplant the entire eyeball.
Contact lenses cannot get dislodged behind our eyes. We have a barrier between the front and back of our eyeballs called the Orbital Septum.
We blink less often when using digital devices, causing eye fatigue.
94% of early aging around the eyes is caused by UV damage.
Smoking reduces night vision.