A Total Eclipse! Are You Ready For It?


A total solar eclipse is gracing us with its shade on April 8, 2024! This phenomenon occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun, consequently obscuring the Sun for spectators on earth that reside in its path to see. The eclipse will span across North America - from Mexico to Maine. As the wondrous cosmic event darkens our skies, be sure to view it with caution.

  • Are polarized sunglasses enough for directly viewing the eclipse?

NO. Polarized sunglasses do not provide sufficient protection from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation. Please don’t attempt this stunt by any means. Proper eclipse glasses are 100,000x darker than sunglasses - This blocks almost all visible, IR and UV rays, which will effectively protect our eyes when viewing the eclipse.

  • What happens if you look directly at the eclipse without eclipse glasses or while wearing improper eyewear?

Looking directly at the eclipse for even as little as a few seconds can cause mild to moderate permanent vision loss. The solar rays emit so much power that they burn the central tissue of the back of the eye - The Macula. This type of injury is known as solar retinopathy.

Those who have taken on this risk have created a burn mark on their macular tissue and now have a frustrating blind spot in their central vision that will stay with them lifelong.

  • How do I know if my solar eclipse glasses are authentic or an imposter?

    According to NASA, eclipse glasses must comply with the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard and should have an "ISO" label printed on them. Heed with caution with 3rd party vendors. Some have been caught for stamping the ISO labels illegally onto their products.

Here’s a quick trick to check the integrity of your eclipse glasses:

  • Turn on the Flashlight feature of your cell phone.

  • Set your phone down, flashlight facing up.

  • Place the eclipse glasses on top of the flashlight.

    • ISO Approved eclipse glasses - You WILL NOT see the flashlight’s light shine through

    • A Fake - The light of the flashlight WILL shine through

  • what are other ways to view the eclipse without eclipse glasses?

  • Create an indirect viewing method by making an eclipse projector

    • Tape a white sheet of paper to back of the inside of a cardboard box.

    • Punch out a hole into an aluminum foil and tape it to one side of the front of the box.

    • Create an opening for viewing through the other side of the front of the box.

  • View indirectly through the camera setting of your phone and snap some memorable photos!

  • You can also indirectly view a partial eclipse in the shadow of a leafy tree. Appreciate the crescents between the leaves.

As we all await this extraordinary lunar event, lets all make sure that we are audience to this totality fully geared and ready!

Syeda Kutub